2023 Reflection

Whilst I am a big advocate for looking forward, I have learnt over the past year that reflection is just as important. So, I thought that it would be beneficial to look back over the past year and think about all the challenges and accomplishments I have experienced.

Personal Challenges

I’m not going to dwell too much on this topic but I feel that it’s important to highlight because I have not had a perfect year- whilst my professional life has been a success story, I have had my own crosses to bear in my personal life. I recently lost someone very close to me, only a few weeks before Christmas, and this has made me remember even more that family is most important and we should cherish these moments that we have.

Many people have commented that I seem fine on social media and that I’m still going to work, so I must be ok, but this is truly not the case. Grief hits people differently, and I’m choosing to try to continue with the day to day.

Business Challenges

Of course, like the market, work life also has its ups and downs. Not only have we all struggled with the cost of living and the markets not recovering like we had hoped, but here in Singapore the job market has become extremely volatile. I’ve had lots of clients, and indeed friends, leave Singapore due to losing their jobs or finding better opportunities elsewhere. Luckily, I am still in contact with many and some have even returned to Singapore, but it just shows that nothing is certain, not even our jobs, which is why it is so important to plan, have emergency savings etc.

On top of this, as many may know, during the first half of the year I was feeling quite deflated about my work situation; I felt that I was frequently made to choose between work and my personal time, and I felt that I was neglecting other parts of me. If you have read my reflection post when I turned 30, I think you will understand a bit more. I was starting to feel like there was a glass ceiling too; the holistic planning I was providing for my clients had gaps in, as I could only provide certain solutions. This made me feel like there must be something more, something better, so that I can be offering my clients the best service possible.

Business Successes

This actually led me onto many business successes. I truly believe that if there’s something wrong in your life that you can make an effort to change, you should do so. So that’s what I did. When I turned 30 I changed my mindset, sorted out my work-life balance, upgraded my skills and even changed jobs. Now I can provide my clients with even more support and advice that before, with solutions that are more suited to the expat transience we so frequently see in Singapore. Not only that, the level of support and resources that I am receiving now means that I can have a wider reach; I’ve recently had amazing opportunities such as speaking at conferences, hosting my own launch event, attending investment insight conferences and as of next year I will hopefully be joining an advisory board (more news to come)!

Of course I need to thank of all those that entrusted me with these opportunities to speak and share my knowledge, but this has also proven to myself that I can do it- that lul in the middle of the year was only temporary, and I am very excited for the upward trajectory I appear to be on for 2024. I’ve managed to empower and inspire others through my articles, videos and podcasts, and I can feel like I’m really making a difference.

Personal Successes

I feel like this positivity and new lease of life when changing jobs has created a domino effect, where things in my personal life have also been going well. I’m a lot happier and less stressed, which means that I am able to nurture and spend time working on my relationships. My friendships have grown stronger this year, I have travelled for some beautiful weddings, and I’m very blessed that my friends shared their special days with me, and I will be travelling home for Christmas to spend some quality time with my family.

Whilst this year has been far from perfect, I’m very lucky to have the life I have- I have wonderful friends, family and husband, my career is on the up, and whilst there has been a lot of sadness too, I’m ready to grieve and put the effort into healing.

I hope you took something away from this and it wasn’t just a self-indulgent exercise; I encourage everyone to reflect during this time of year and look forward to the year ahead!

1 thought on “2023 Reflection

  1. Wonderful, honest and authentic reflection Danni on your year … congratulations on all your success but also share your sadness about the loss of someone very dear. Take care Louise


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