Update On Taiwan

Only one week after I posted about all the elections in 2024 and what this could mean for global geopolitics, Taiwan has elected Dr William Lai as their president.

This may make things difficult, as Lai has vowed to protect Taiwan from China’s aggression. Xi Jinping has labelled Lai as a troublemaker and obviously would not want Lai to threaten his One China policy. Moreover, tensions have risen after the US congratulated Taiwan on the result- something that China claims goes against the US’s unofficial relationship with Taiwan.

Washington also used phrases like ‘diplomacy’, ‘partnership’ and ‘shared interest and values’, which has of course annoyed Beijing even more. The relationship between Lai and Xi Jinping is so bad that William Lai is not allowed to travel to Mainland China or Hong Kong! The two have not been in communication since 2016. Will this mean that China will increase its economic pressure on Taiwan? Will they threaten military force like they did in 2022? Whatever will happen, it’s clear that tensions will surely rise, as Lai is pro Taiwanese independence.

Of course, the result of the US election will greatly affect China and Taiwan, also, so we will monitor closely as the situation unfolds.